Firstnet For Military - What's New The US military has selected FirstNet to support firefighters, law enforcement and security personnel at 72 military installations in the US and Puerto Rico. Now, U.S. military public safety personnel have an unprecedented level of support as well as access to mission-focused equipment and technology they can't get anywhere else.

What is FirstNet? FirstNet is the only nationwide high-speed broadband communications platform dedicated and purpose-built for America's first responders and the extended public safety community. It was built in a public-private partnership with the assistance of AT&T*'s First Responder Network Agency - an independent agency within the federal government.

Firstnet For Military

Firstnet For Military

Born from the 9/11 Commission's recommendations to improve communications in the public safety community, it brings public safety communications into the 21st century with new, innovative capabilities to strengthen the incident response of first responders. And more than 13,000 federal, state, local, municipal and tribal public safety agencies and organizations have joined FirstNet, accounting for more than 1.5 million connections.

Washington Military Department 2020/2021 Annual Report By Washington Military Department

Why is this important? FirstNet can help the military ensure reliable and highly secure communications capabilities during national emergencies such as the coronavirus and improved communication between first responders and local, state and federal first responder agencies.

What does AT&T offer? Under the work order, AT&T will install approximately 3,200 FirstNet services, more than 3,000 FirstNet-enabled devices and 700+ signal boosters to help improve in-home connectivity. We also offer device streaming and kits, including preloading many FirstNet apps onto devices. In addition, with FirstNet, the US military has access to a dedicated national fleet of 76+ ground-based and airborne portable cell sites that are deployed across the country to support public safety missions. Provide communication on important events. These critical response assets are available 24/7 to US Army incident commanders at no additional cost.

Why did the army choose Net First? The military explored the benefits of FirstNet during a pilot program in the spring of 2020 at Military Sea Terminal Sunny Point, NC. The Marine Terminal is part of the Army Materiel Command's Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC). The Army evaluated FirstNet's capabilities with fire and military police responders in hurricane situations to better understand how FirstNet could benefit. The pilot allowed the Army to see the benefits of a built-in signal booster, as well as FirstNet's ease of use, flexibility and capabilities available at any Army installation regardless of breadth, size or location.

More recently, when Hurricane Laura slammed into the Louisiana Army's Fort Polk on August 27 with 150 mph winds, it tore through and around the installation, toppling trees and downing power lines and cutting communications. The Army has tested FirstNet Ready™ wireless routers installed in camera-equipped vehicles that provide near-real-time video delivery to Army operations and planners despite harsh weather conditions. They agreed that the solution proved to be an effective tool for incident management and restoring base operations after natural disasters.

Federal Broadband Network Helps Local First Responders Communicate Better In A Crisis

"FirstNet helps us improve critical communications at our facilities, depots and arsenals, including emergency situations when emergency situations or communications capabilities are limited. We choose FirstNet because it is a public safety expert. Priority, default and highly reliable data communications Designed with .Enhance our overall response and interaction with our citizen partners.

Col. Kevin Comfort, command provost marshal at headquarters, Installation Management Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, located at Joint Base San Antonio.

Where can I find more information? To learn more about AT&T's work in the public sector, visit or click here.

Firstnet For Military

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Brian Daley, SVP, Standards and Industry Alliances, and his team are designing next-generation wireless technology at AT&T Labs.

The task order is to modernize voice and data networks to help ensure reliable, high-speed connectivity between federal law enforcement agents across the country. Richard Carrizo, Vice President, First Net Government Agency Board of Directors; Lt. Gen. Donnie Walker, Deputy Materiel Command and senior commander of Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey; and AT&T Alabama President Wayne Hutchins cut the ribbon to honor the FirstNet partnership on Dec. 2 at the AMC Parade Grounds.

Redstone Arsenal, Ala. -- marked the beginning of a partnership that provides a dedicated communications network for first responders every day and every emergency.

Firstnet Provides Reliability & Security When Disaster Strikes

Lt. Gen. Donnie Walker, deputy director of the Materiel Command and senior commander at Redstone Arsenal, was joined by Alabama Governor Kay Ivey. Richard Carrizo, Vice President, First Net Government Agency Board of Directors; and Wayne Hutchins, president of AT&T Alabama, to announce new, purpose-built FirstNet cell sites at 72 facilities nationwide.

"Thanks to FirstNet and our new partnership, our first responders will soon have the tools and technology to provide unprecedented capabilities while protecting and serving our people," Walker said during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Dec. 2 AMC parade. the field .

FirstNet is a dedicated broadband network that ensures first responders will always have 24-hour priority and pre-emptive access to voice and data. The need for a dedicated network was recognized after September 11, 2001, when first responders had difficulty communicating with each other on the same network as the general public.

Firstnet For Military

Twenty years later, FirstNet will help first responders by giving them their own dedicated network that they can use to communicate across state lines and jurisdictions.

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"A few years ago, a group of humanitarian aid organizations did a study and found that after food, water, and shelter, information and the ability to communicate were the things people in crisis needed the most," Walker said. Walker said. "That's why the ability to communicate despite power outages and service disruptions is so important for emergency services personnel. FirstNet gives us that ability.

Lt. Gen. Donnie Walker, deputy chief of materiel command and senior commander of Redstone Arsenal, speaks during the first Nat ribbon cutting Dec. 2 on the AMC parade ground. See original

The event celebrated FirstNet's extensive partnerships with government agencies and service provider AT&T.

"The use of FirstNet was first validated during a pilot program at Fort Polk, Louisiana, just as Hurricane Laura made landfall last year," Walker said. "FirstNet, with its wireless capabilities, allowed first responders to transmit live video data without signal disruption, even after Fort Polk's legacy systems failed. FirstNet helped secure the installation and keep everyone safe. Their capability was instrumental in .

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Redstone Arsenal is the first installation with an approved infrastructure application. The arsenal construction will include three macro towers, 28 small cells and another approximately 500 miles of fiber.

"The work that is done here is so important that there is a lack of proper communication and service," Ivey said. "OFirstNet's support will provide public safety personnel – firefighters, law enforcement and security at 72 facilities, including Redstone Arsenal, with enhanced capabilities to communicate with each other as efficiently and effectively as possible and better protect those they serve."

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey speaks during the first NET ribbon cutting on Dec. 2 at the AMC Parade Grounds.

Firstnet For Military

The new infrastructure will help improve the overall coverage experience for Redstone's workforce of 44,500 men and women representing 78 different agencies and constituent audiences.

All Things Firstnet

"As the senior commander, the safety and security of everyone who lives and works on this installation is paramount," Walker said. "FirstNet is critical to this priority, and critical to our efforts to improve the resiliency of our facilities. It is, in a word, a game changer."

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